Everything About Electrical Engineering

Everything About Electrical Engineering

By: Faizal Khan

What is Electrical Engineering?

A profession which is about to complete a decade of its existence in the world—Civil engineering. In 1928, when commercialization started taking its peak, the demand for the profession increased, resulting in people acquiring it as a career. 

Electrical engineering is a field where professionals apply principles of different kinds of electricity, including electromagnetism to design and study. There are a lot of contributions of electrical engineers to take the world where it is right now and where it will go in the future. They design, circuits, and systems that solve real-life problems without any harm. 

Besides, in the 19th century, civil engineering was only limited to industrial use, it is now a huge part of various sectors including telecommunications, renewable energy, healthcare, and transportation.  

Types of Electrical Engineering

Think of electrical engineering as a tree, having various numbers of branches in it. Let’s have a look at them.

Power and Energy

When it comes to generating, transmitting, and distributing something, power, and energy engineers take the center. Also, the utilization of power comes under the same roof. Hydroelectric, solar, wind, and nuclear power plants are the result of this branch of electrical engineering. 

Automation and Control

The device you are reading this article on is the result of automation and control electrical engineering. Engineers of this branch develop a system that can automate processes and control machinery and equipment by using technologies like PLCs (programmable logic controllers. 


The creators of electronic circuits, devices, and systems are electronics engineers. The contribution of this field of engineers is undeniable as they on a wide range of electronics components. Industries like consumer electronics, telecommunications, and medical devices are heavily relied on as they create devices like amplifiers, oscillators, and digital systems.


Thanks to telecommunication engineers you can talk to your loved ones through your laptop, mobile phone, or tablet. They are the ones who design optimize and transmit voice, data, and video over long distances. All wireless and optical communication devices are the result of telecommunication engineers.

Micro and Nano Electronics

Micro and nanoelectronics have revolutionized the world by providing the same results in minimized electronics components. In 1956, 10 men used to move a 5MB memory card. Electrical engineers who come under this branch made it possible to store terabytes of data in smaller SD cards.

Signal Processing

The manipulation, analysis, and interpretation of signals comes under signal processing, a branch of electrical engineering. Engineers who work in this branch of electrical engineering develop an algorithm that can extract useful information from signals to enhance user experience. 

What Skills are Required to Become an Electrical Engineering

Being an electrical engineer is not at all an easy task as it requires a lot of skills to make a place in the field. Electrical engineering homework given in institutes helps students to gain these skills. As you have read this article, you might be thinking of becoming a civil engineer. If yes then you need to know what skills are required in the field. Here are some skills that you will have to master to make your place in the field:

  • Strong foundation in mathematics and physics
  • Knowledge of circuit theory and electronics
  • Programming and computer skills
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Understanding of electrical systems and power distribution
  • Familiarity with CAD software
  • Good communication skills
  • Keen eyes for attention to detail
  • Will to continuous learning and adaptability
  • Know how to work in a team and collaborate with others

What is the Average Salary in Electrical Engineering?

If you are just taking your steps into the field, you will be earning between $80,000 to $100,000 annually, depending on the region. However, as you will gain experience in the field it will increase. 

How to Become a Civil Engineer?

As you know almost everything about civil engineering, let us show you the way to walk into the field. Follow these steps to become a civil engineer: 

  • Pursue a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from a respected college or university. 
  • During your studies, gain practical experience by interning or working at co-op programs.
  • Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.
  • Specialize in any of the areas that interest you and stick to it.
  • Build your network with people who have already made it in the industry.
  • Once complete your studies, gain professional experience by working in a company or organization.  
  • Gain as much experience as you can as it will help you grow in the field. 

Final Thoughts

Civil engineering is a fast-growing industry that requires you to gain important information before taking the steps into the field. In this article, we have compiled all the necessary information needed to know about the field. However, everything written in the article is true according to the date of publishing. If by the time some changes happen in the industry, we will try to make an update. It is advisable for all the readers to check things like average salary and requirements of the industry if reading it after a while of the publishing date.