12 Self-Care Strategies for Students

12 Self-Care Strategies For Students

By: Faizal Khan

Indeed, student life is the best phase of life. However, what the stats say about it might leave you in shock. In a country like America, more than 45% of college students claim to feel over-stressed in their academic journey. Not many people are talking about this so here we are. There could be a million reasons behind their stress but with the right approach, it can be tackled. So, if you are a student, walking through the same path, keep on reading to learn self-care strategies for yourself. 

1. Prioritize Sleep

Just like we need food to function our body properly, we also need enough sleep to maintain our overall well-being. We agree student life is all about enjoying life to the fullest, the importance of sleep can not be underestimated. Having movie nights, chilling with friends, and late-night studies are all good but make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. 

2. Nutrition

It is true that when we enter college life, our intake of outside and junk food increases. In the name of hanging out with friends, students usually eat which can harm their health a lot. We are not asking you to completely cut off the junk food (would be better if you did). Instead, limit it and replace it with the right nutrition that your body needs.

3. Exercise

Regular physical activity can benefit you in ways that you can not even imagine. College life is the best time to start taking care of the shape of your body. While exercising, our body releases a hormone named endorphins. It helps us to relieve pain and enhances our mood. Just choose any of the activities like walking, jogging, yoga, or cycling, and you will see the results yourself.

4. Time Management

While student life is all fun, it can also be challenging as there are so many tasks that they need to complete in a day. From classes to sports sessions and homework to assignments, managing everything requires good time management. However, it can be tackled by prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and utilizing time-blocking techniques. You can also reach out to an assignment help website if having a lot of weight of assignment on your shoulders.

5. Seek Support

Many students do not seek help as they think it is a sign of weakness. It is quite the opposite of that as seeking help is a sign of strength. Whether you are struggling in your studies or dealing with some personal issues, having a conversation with the right person can fix it all. It is not only a self-care strategy but also can save a lot of time.

6. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

There is a lot of hustle and bustle in students' lives. Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques is the only way to deal with all this. Your physical health depends on how mentally well you are doing. Students often live in the past or future due to the unclarity of life. By being mentally healthy, you will be able to be more present in the moment and increase your productivity.

7. Stay Connected

The more population is growing the more people are considering not socializing. It is so dangerous as it has a huge impact on one’s future. Talking about college life, not staying connected with people can ruin all the fun while also impacting the future. Be with people who can uplift your mood and inspire you at the same time. 

8. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries can help you a lot to balance your academic and personal life. Divide your time, energy, and resources accordingly and stick to it. Learn to say no sometimes as it is a lifelong skill that will help you in the future. One effective way to do it is by rewarding yourself. Every time you successfully stick to your boundaries, reward yourself with something that you like.

9. Engage in Hobbies and Activities You Enjoy

What it is that you love to do? Got the answer? Now, start engaging yourself in that hobby or activity. Take all the academic demands aside for a few moments and just let yourself do what can uplift your mood. It could be anything from playing a musical instrument, painting, writing, or participating in sports, do it at least once a week and you will see positive changes in your life.

10. Get Outside

Covid is gone, stop quarantining yourself in a room. Get outside and talk to people. It is the most simple yet effective strategy that a student can apply in their lives. Inhale fresh air, expose yourself to natural sunlight, and encounter the beauty of nature and you will see how peacefully your body and mind relax. 

11. Practice Self-Compassion

Do not punish yourself for not being able to do a few things and start practicing self-compression. Remember, we become what we say to ourselves. Be gentle, not only with yourself but also with the people around you. It will promote a happy environment where people will not be afraid to mistakes. 

12. Limit Screen Time

As technology reaches new heights, our screen time is increasing simultaneously. In students’ lives, social media and online classes are the biggest reason to increase their screen time. If you are dealing with stress, disrupted sleep patterns, and decreased productivity, it is your screen time that's causing all this. If you can not do much about that screen time coming from online classes, try to reduce spending time on devices like smartphones, computers, and tablets for social media usage.


Yes, your studies are very important, but your overall well-being is more important than that. You can not ignore your health and study, it will only make things work. Start with prioritizing your sleep, eating nutritious food, exercising daily, and managing your time by setting boundaries. Do not forget to meditate, stay connected with people, seek support when needed, and engage in hobbies, as it will help you stay healthy both physically and mentally. Get outside,  practice self-compassion, and limit your screen time. By doing all this, you will see the changes and think of thanks.